Investment Perspectives
Investment Perspectives
The fundamental gap in healthcare today is how to automatically share data and then intelligently decide who needs to receive and use that data. Start-ups that are focusing on integration (or pipeline) data sharing / interoperability are a compelling investment.
Robotics & Elderly Care
Disruption in elderly care through healthcare services (e.g., uber model of care givers) is difficult to enact. However, developments in robotics allow for a substantial decrease in cost while maintaining health outcomes for low acuity, long-term care
Patient Engagement
In a shifting healthcare landscape, patients are demanding care and solutions that involve them. By providing the types of tools patients expect in order to interact with their health systems, organizations can differentiate themselves and provide better care.
COVID put telehealth in the spotlight and jump started regulatory advancements that are going to have far reaching positive impacts on telehealth innovators after COVID
Substance Abuse Apps
There is an app for everything. The apps in the substance abuse space are growing and tackling this acute problem with different approaches
Modern Vet Services
Taking a page out of digital health, new veterinarian companies are transforming the way that they deliver care.
International Opportunities for VC
In an increasingly globalized world, investors can no longer afford to only pay attention to opportunities in their own backyards.
Recruiting for Healthcare
There is an opportunity to invest in organizations that bridge health tech’s demand for staff and clinicians who want to work in these non-traditional companies
Offshore Floating WindTurbines Platforms
Offshore wind seemingly solves all the issues with wind power. However, floating platforms are needed to make this a reality.